Google Cloud Deployment
The following are the instructions to deploy the angular-fullstack app to Google Cloud App Engine Standard Environment
1. Google Cloud SDK
Download and install Google Cloud SDK
2. Create GCP Project
ID for the project you want to create.
3. Enable Billing
You need to enable billing for your project before you begin using App Engine
gcloud alpha billing projects link
4. Create a MongoDB database
Create a MongoDB instance and obtain the uri and credentials. There are multiple options for creating a new MongoDB database.
Create a Google Compute Engine virtual machine with MongoDB pre-installed.
Create a MongoDB instance with MongoDB Atlas on GCP.
Use mLab to create a free MongoDB deployment on Google Cloud Platform.
Deployment Setup
1. Set Node / NPM versions
2. Create Application configuration file (app.yaml)
Deployment Steps
1. Build the app
2. Copy app.yaml to dist
3. Change to build directory
4. Deploy
Last updated
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