Now that you've gone through everything in the Getting Started section, lets get our app up and running. We do this by running the following:
We should see something like this spit out after it:
$gulpserve[12:15:45] Requiring external module babel-register(node:23392) fs:re-evaluatingnativemodulesourcesisnotsupported.Ifyouareusingthegraceful-fsmodule,pleaseupdateittoamorerecentversion.[12:16:03] Using gulpfile ~/aftest/gulpfile.babel.js(node:23392) DeprecationWarning:crypto.createCredentialsisdeprecated.Usetls.createSecureContextinstead.(node:23392) DeprecationWarning:crypto.Credentialsisdeprecated.Usetls.SecureContextinstead.[12:16:04] Starting 'serve'...[12:16:04] Starting 'clean:tmp'...[12:16:04] Starting 'lint:scripts'...[12:16:04] Starting 'lint:scripts:client'...[12:16:04] Starting 'lint:scripts:server'...[12:16:04] Starting 'inject'...[12:16:04] Starting 'inject:scss'...[12:16:04] Starting 'copy:fonts:dev'...[12:16:04] Starting 'env:all'...[12:16:04] Finished 'env:all' after 63 ms[12:16:04] Finished 'clean:tmp' after 370 ms[12:16:06] gulp-inject 6 files into app.scss.[12:16:06] Finished 'inject:scss' after 2.63 s[12:16:06] Finished 'inject' after 2.63 s[12:16:08] Finished 'copy:fonts:dev' after 4.04 s[12:16:08] Finished 'lint:scripts:server' after 4.74 s[12:16:09] Finished 'lint:scripts:client' after 5.33 s[12:16:09] Finished 'lint:scripts' after 5.33 s[12:16:09] Starting 'start:server'...[12:16:09] Finished 'start:server' after 16 ms[12:16:09] Starting 'start:client'...[nodemon] 1.9.2[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`[nodemon] watching:/home/user/aftest/server/**/*[nodemon] starting `nodeserver`(node:22180) DeprecationWarning:crypto.createCredentialsisdeprecated.Usetls.createSecureContextinstead.(node:22180) DeprecationWarning:crypto.Credentialsisdeprecated.Usetls.SecureContextinstead.Expressserverlisteningon9000,indevelopmentmode(node:22180) DeprecationWarning:crypto.pbkdf2withoutspecifyingadigestisdeprecated.Pleasespecifyadigest[12:16:18] Finished 'start:client' after 8.97 s[12:16:18] Starting 'watch'...[12:16:18] Finished 'watch' after 234 ms[12:16:18] Finished 'serve' after 15 sfinishedpopulatinguserswebpack:waituntilbundlefinished:/[BS] Proxying: http://localhost:9000[BS] Access URLs:----------------------------------Local:http://localhost:3000External: [emitted] apppolyfills.bundle.js209kB1 [emitted] polyfillsvendor.bundle.js2.62MB2 [emitted] vendorapp.bundle.js.map3.34MB0 [emitted] apppolyfills.bundle.js.map271kB1 [emitted] polyfillsvendor.bundle.js.map3.06MB2 [emitted] vendor../client/app.html1.39kB [emitted]Childhtml-webpack-pluginfor"..\client\app.html":AssetSizeChunksChunkNames../client/app.html2.69kB0webpack:bundleisnowVALID.
And then our default browser should open up to the app:
Fantastic! We're now up and running with our Full-Stack Angular web application! So what can it do?
Assuming you scaffolded with a back-end database, you should see some 'features'. If you scaffolded with WebSockets, you should see 'x' buttons next to each, and an input box. Try opening two browser windows to the same page side-by-side, and hitting the 'x' on one of the features. You should see the feature get removed on both web pages. Neat! This is because these database object changes are communicated to clients using WebSockets.
Neat. Let's see what else we can do.
Assuming you scaffolded with auth support, you should see a 'Sign Up' and a 'Log In' button at the top-right of your page. Let's go to the Log In page.
You should see inputs for an email address and a password. When running your project in a devlopment environment, you'll get two user accounts automatically generated:
Test User
password: test
role: user
password: admin
role: admin
Go ahead and log in with the admin account, so we can see the extra admin bits too. You should then get sent back to the home page, but should notice that the navbar looks a bit different:
First, at the top right, we see a greeting for our username, a cog icon (for user settings), and a logout button. Then, since we're an admin, we see a new 'Admin' state on the navbar. The admin section lists users and allows you to delete them. The user settings page allows you to change your password.